16 November 2012

Flash Presentation

Makes a presentation based on Macromedia Flash 8

1. Run Macromedia Flash 8
2. Makes a new project, rename as "Makes a presentation based on Flash"
3. Enter the document properties, resize the width to 800 and the height to 600, rename the layer as   
    button. and make 3 layers, for background, exit, and skrip.

4. Hold Ctrl+F8 to makes a new symbol, it has function as navigation button to the destination link.

5. Rename as "home" (without apostrophe) and choose button and than OK.
6. Click the rectangular tool, choose radius and set radius to 5. Radius has a function as the curve 
    maker at every rectangular corner, it smoothen the appearance.

7. Alright, than makes a square and text as on the image below...

8. Now, head to the timeline window, right click th timeline over and choose insert keyframe.

9. Recolour the square, it has a purpose when the square is pointed the colour will change like the 
    timeline hover's colour

10. And makes a button for "graphicdesign", "webdesign", "registration", and "about", like number 4 
      to 9.
11. If all of buttons have made, drag to the project window, look the picture below...

12. goto background layer.
13. Insert a header and write a text as you want.

14. You have finished a simple presentation design like the picture below.

15. Activate the background layer, add a text for home page, click the timeline 1 and rename from 
      "instance name" to "home" and add a text for home button.

16. Right click the timeline 3 and choose insert blank keyframe. Add a text for graphicdesign link. 
      Click the timeline 3 and change the name from"instance name" to "graphicdesign".
17. Right click the timeline 5, choose insert blank keyframe, add a text for webdesign link. Click the 
      timeline 5 and rename from "instance name" to "webdesign".
18. Right click the timeline 8 and choose insert blank keyframe, add a text for registration link. Click 
      the timeline 8 and rename from "instance name" to " registration".
19. Right click the timeline 10 and choose insert blank keyframe, add a text for about link. Click the 
      timeline 10 and rename from "instance name" to " about".
20. goto script layer, click on the timeline 1, right click and choose action. Then 
      enter these codes:

home_btn.onPress = function(){
graphicdesain_btn.onPress = function(){
webdesain_btn.onPress = function(){
registrasi_btn.onPress = function(){
tentang_btn.onPress = function(){

21. If you have finished, just choose "run" or hold Ctrl+Enter.

Like this if your project success.

If you success to do it you have to happy, but if you find some error just try again and again until you get the best result.
All results depend on your attempt, it's depend on you.

Grafizan Group.

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